08th NOVEMBER 2020
On the occasion of the international day of Radiology marks the day when the foundation of radiology was laid by Sir William Roentgen. we are IRIA Rajasthan state chapter are organizing a Cycleothon and free distribution of face mask. This programme is held on 8th November 2020 at Jawahar Circle at 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. This programme managed by Dr. Jeevraj Singh (State Secretary of IRIA) Dr. Piyush Goyal (Vice President) start this Program with flag hosting for Cycleothon. In the Presecence of respected members of IRIA Dr. Piyush Goyal (Vice President), Dr. Jeevraj Singh (State Secretary of IRIA), Dr. Mukesh Gupta (Central Council Member), Dr. Lokesh Goyal(State Executive Member), Dr. R.P. Bansal (State S.S.S. Coordinator).
On the occasion of International day of Radiology, we IRIA Rajasthan state chapter are organising a virtual CME on Cardiovascular Imaging in collaboration with Department of Radio-diagnosis SMS Medical College. It is a great honour for me to introduce our esteemed Chief Guest, Dr Sudhir Bhandari, The Principal and controller of SMS Medical college and Dr Rajeev Singh, The Secretary General of IRIA. In the 1st session moderated by Dr R.P. Bansal, who is HOD at NIMS Medical college. we will have our speaker Dr Meenu Bagarhatta, who is the Senior Professor and Head of Department of Radio-Diagnosis at SMS. She’ll be speaking on Chest X-Ray, the first step towards Cardiac imaging and then we will have Dr Ritu Agarwal speaking on topic Cardiac Imaging; Beyond the coronaries and both these sessions will be followed by Spot Session conducted by Dr Nauratmal Kumawat and Dr Vikas Jhanwar who are Assistant Professors at SMS. In the next lot moderated by Dr Jai Chaudhary, who is an assistant professor at MG medical College. Dr Ritu Agarwal will continue speaking on Cardiac Imaging followed by Dr Rengarajan R, assistant Professor at SMS speaking on Imaging of Vascular Anomalies. Next we will have Dr Shyam Kumar, Professor and HOD Interventional Radiology at Christian Medical College, Vellore speaking on management of Vascular Anomalies. This will be followed by another spot session with Dr Nauratmal Kumawat and Dr Vikal Jhanwar
We will conclude the program with a vote of thanks by the Secretary RSB IRIA, Dr Jeevraj Singh and announcement of winners.