9th & 10th Apr 2022

9th & 10th Apr 2022
Inauguration and Lamp Lighting Message from Dr. Meenu bagarhatta (president IRIA rajastan chapter) ,Dr. Jeevraj Singh (Secretary Rajasthan state chapter of IRIA).
Inaugural function of Annual state conference (virtual) of Rajasthan state chapter of IRIA & Breast Stereotactic biopsy workshop by
Dr. Ekta dhamija from aiims Delhi
we all have witnessed a wonderful live work shop & conference with talented speakers flawlessly presented the scientific contents their work experience on virtual platform. Congratulations !! , A big applaud 👏🏼 and sincere thanks to our Dr. Meenu bagarhatta sms Jaipur (president IRIA rajastan chapter) ,Dr. Jeevraj Singh (Secretary Rajasthan state chapter of IRIA) , scientific chairperson Dr. Binit Surekha , coordinator Dr. Kartikeya Nathiya, entire organizing team & IT persons for your untiring efforts to execute the show well. My special thanks to all speakers for your valuable time and presentations making this worth . Thanks to all participants who were present while online meeting continuously. I wish more such sessions in future with support and blessings of you all . Long live IRIA & Rajasthan chapter. Vote of thanks by Dr. Jeevraj singh (Secretary IRIA RAJ State Chapter).
IRIA MID TERM CME & Resident conclave organized by the Rajasthan State Chapter IRIA at RAS Club ,JLN Marg, Jaipur on 17 October 2021.
Fetal Radiology 2020 was organized by the Indian Radiology and Imaging Rajasthan State Branch at JMA Hall, Jaipur, deposited on February 16, 2020.
Indian Radiology and Imaging Rajasthan State Branch Of Secretary Dr. Jeevraj Singh said that information about the Fetal Medicine was given under the conservation program.
Secretary Dr. Jeevraj Singh said that under the conservation program, information was given about the Fetal Medicine. The chief speaker of the seminar, the State Coordinator, Dr. Renu Sharma,Dr. Neha Agarwal, Dr. Subhash Sharma, Dr. Uma Mathuria, Dr. Hariom Sharma and others gave information about the Fetal Radiology. The program was presided over by Dr. Rajeev Singh National Secretary General, IRIA Delhi. Lamp lighting by State Coordinator Dr. Renu Sharma Dr. Meenu Bagarhatta Head of Department Radiology Department SMS Medical College, Dr. Anu Bhandari Professor SMS Medical College, Dr. Rajeev Singh Secretary General IRIA, Dr. Zafar M Rafiq President Elect, Dr. Piyush Goyal Dr. Sunita Purohit Senior Radiologist, Dr. Navneet Gupta, joint secretary of the national executive IR IA Dr. Mukesh Gupta Vice President, Dr. Aparna . The program was attended by radiologist physicians from SMS Hospital. The seminar ended with a vote of thanks by Secretary Dr. Jeevraj Singh.
IRIA Rajasthan Chapter is pleased to announce the Fetal Radiology 2020 – Samrakshan Program on 16th February 2020, 14:00 at JMA Hall, SMS Hospital, Jaipur.
Our objective is to enhance and promote the role of Radiologists in India in the National Mission to reduce perinatal mortality incorporating experience and expertise with imaging studies and multimodality approaches in perinatal care.
To develop a technical package that includes methods to assess and score at risk pregnancies and fetuses for preeclampsia, prematurity, preterm, placental abnormalities, fetal growth and fetal abnormalities.
To develop a training, documentation and reporting package that can be used as a continuous learning improvement program(CLIP) to continuously train radiologists in India on modalities in Fetal Radiology
Rajasthan State Branch of Indian Radiological Imaging & Assosiation (IRIA) held one day (Samrakshan Program) Date 29 December 2019 in JMA Hall SMS Hospital Jaipur.
Rajasthan State Branch Of IRIA Secretary (RSB IRIA) Dr. Jeevraj Singh stated that under the Samrakshan Program, the objective of reducing perinatal Mortility in India Keeping in mind the above seminar was organized. the Rajasthan State Branch of Indian Radiological Imaging & Assosiation, under the Samrakshan Program under the Fetal Radiology 2019, under which the Secretary of the Indian Radiological Imaging & Assositaion Rajasthan State Branch.
The main speaker at the seminar was National Coordinator Dr. Rijo M. Choorakuttil and State Coordinator Dr. Renu Sharma and others gave information about the Fetal Radiology. The program was presided over by Dr. Kuldeep Mendiratta Chairman. The program was started with the address of Secretary General India Dr. Rajiv Singh, Secretary General IRIA. Lamp lighting in the program Dr. Meenu Bagarhatta Head of Department Sons Medical College Dr. Rajiv Singh Secretary General, IRIA Delhi, Dr. Zafar M. Rafique President Elect, Dr. Piyush Goyal, Dr. Lokesh Goyal, Dr. R.P.Meena State Excutive Members, Dr. Mukesh Gupta Vice President, Dr. Jai Chowdhary Treasurer did it. program addresed by Dr. G.C.Mehta sr. Radiologist Life coach Motivational Speaker. Approx 150 Radiology doctors are participated in this program. Ended of this program vote of thanks by Dr. Jeevraj Singh Secretary of IRIA Rajasthan State Branch.
To enhance and promote the role of Radiologists in India in the National Mission to reduce perinatal mortality incorporating experience and expertise with imaging studies and multimodality approaches in perinatal care.
To develop a tachnical package that includes methods to assess and score at risk pregnancies and fetuses for preeclampsia, prematurity, preterm, placental abnormalities, fetal growth and fetal abnormalities.
To develop a training, documentation and reporting package that can be used as a continuous learning improvement program(CLIP) to continuously train radiologists in India on modalities in Fetal Radiology
To develop Information and Communication (IEC) package that can be used to increase awareness on the strengths and potential for fetal radiology in the early identification of feto-maternal morbidity focused on all stakeeholders, including but not limited to, the community, other health care service providers involved in feto-maternal health, other community based groups and organizations involved directly pr indirectly with feto-maternal wellbeing, and political and busines commnities.
Indian Radiological Imaging Association deposited on 8 November 2019 in JMA Hall
Organized international day of Radiology.
President of Indian Radiological Imaging Association Dr. Kuldeep Mendiratta, Secretary of IRIA Dr. Jeevraj Singh Organized Felicitation ceremony for Sr. Radiologist Rajasthan State,CME on Sport Medicine & Radiology Quiz on MSK. Held at JMA Hall SMS Hospital 2019.
Video linkhttps://youtu.be/L_3CzWe4nW8
Ultrasound image of a fetus in the womb, viewed at 12 weeks of pregnancy (bidimensional scan). An ultrasonic examination. Fetal ultrasound. Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper audible limit of human … The first technological application of ultrasound was an attempt to detect submarines. Department of Radio Diagnosis, SMS Medical College and Hospitals Joining hands with Rajasthan State Branch IRIA.
Department of Radio Diagnosis, SMS Medical College and Hospitals Joining hands with Rajasthan State Branch IRIA.