Greenothon – Go Green Cycle Rally by IRIA Rajasthan Chapter

Environmental protection has become a need of today’s era and we should make it in practice to protect the natural environment. All individuals, organizations and governments should participate in this movement.

Due to the pressures of overconsumption, population growth and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and people have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation.

Times are ever changing. Having said, it is crucial for societies, countries and organizations to avoid resistance and adapt to the needs of all living species and resources. Key concepts of conservation pertain to sustainability of resources and species, the longevity of individual product usage and the concerned domino effects that reckless usage of resources is creating.

IRIA Rajasthan Chapter has an objective to conserve natural resources, existing natural environment. IRIA feels that a campaign can be initiated by educating current and upcoming generations, and equipping them with the necessary knowledge and tools, change to help replenish the environment and a healthier living style as a society is bound to reap great results.

Therefore IRIA Rajasthan Chapter has conducted a program – “Greenothon” to spread awareness among current and upcoming generation on 4th August 2019. A Cycle Rally was organized by Dr Jeevraj Singh (Secretary, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter).

Dr Meenu Bagarhatta (Senior Professor & HOD, Radiology Department, SMS Medical College ), Dr Kuldeep Mendiratta (President, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter) and Dr Anu Bhandari (Senior Professor, Radiology Department, SMS Medical College), Dr Jai Chowdhary (Treasurer, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter) hoisted the flag and initiated the Greenothon).

Dr Lokesh Goyal (Yuva Coordinator, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter) and Dr Nisha Arora (Raksha Coordinator, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter), Dr Roop Narayan (State Executive Member), Dr Piyush Goyal (State Executive Member), Dr Navneet Gupta (Central Council Member), Dr Mukesh Gupta (Vice President, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter), Dr Ashok Gupta (State Executive Member) , Dr Praveen Singhal (State Executive Member), Dr Mahipal, Dr Payal Khatri also participated in this programme.

Tree Plantation by Radiologists, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter

Since the beginning of human civilization, trees have provided us with two of life’s most important and essentials elements – Food and Oxygen. As civilization evolved, trees have provided additional help and elements such as home-shelter, medicine, and tools.

In today’s era, the significance of trees have increased and more benefits of trees are being uncovered as their role expands to fulfill the needs created by our modern lifestyle.

IRIA understands the value of trees and the importance of green environment. An inititative of Tree Plantation was taken by IRIA on 4th August 2019. Dr Kuldeep Mendiratta (President, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter) and Dr Jeevraj Singh Rathore (Secretary, IRIA Rajasthan Chapter) participated in Tree Plantation Programme organized by IRIA Rajasthan Chapter.